........................................................................................Daisypath Anniversary tickers.....................................................................................

Isnin, Mei 2


every year I'll be there ... 
but .. this year I went there with my friends ... 
unlike previous years ... I went there with loved ones ...
who else?? of coz my beloved family..

ada plak masa ye cik ecah g book fair?? hoho i go there just after i finish my FAR300 exam laa... 
just to release tension before start reading the MKT243 book..
if not?? bile plak mase nyer nak pegi? the book fair just  for a week...

okay... what to do if we have already at the book fair?? Is just a simply exhausting walk away? 
ohh ofcoz NOT ..okay .. time to find a lover .. haha x sah la kalau ke sni tak cari buku kn??

novels, magazines... where are you?? hehe
dekat 3 jam jugak la kn dalam PWTC tu... ni yang cik ecah jumpe...

hehe saja gatai beli buku ni utk tahu fesyen terkini... haha

dan buku bersiri impiana dari kak ain maisara ni mmg dh lama nk beli dan bace...
tp akhirnyer dapat juga beli dan jumpa kak ain sekali mase kat book fair kali ni... hoho
thanx for the cute pen hehe

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