........................................................................................Daisypath Anniversary tickers.....................................................................................

Selasa, September 1

360 : A year...

After a year i'm taking a break..

i'm so sorry from taking a long break from updating this blog.

yes, there is so many news that i want to share it but...

i'm so busy...

busy with the class,

busy with the assignment,

busy with the quiz and test,

busy with so many works...

and so many things to be done..

and yet,

i'm so sorry coz i'm not manage to update this blog

due to the lower internet coverage...and..

hello my reader..(if there is)

i'm so sorry from deactivated my blog and

make you guys can't reach or searching it..

alaa.. mcm la best sangat cerita dalam blog cik ecah ni kan...


now i'm opening it back..

and.. i hope that i can manage to tell all the news..

catch up what have happen, what is happening

and what will be happen next...

much love from me..

assalamualaikum ^^.

2 ulasan:

  1. Assalamualaikum. Aisyah! Readers mestilah ada. Saya antaranya. Hehe. Padan la dah lama tak nampak blog. Deactivate rupa nya.. Lepas2 ni jangan menyorok lagi ye. ;)

    1. kita pun selalu je stalk blog awk.. hehe in shaa allah tak main nyorok2 dah
