........................................................................................Daisypath Anniversary tickers.....................................................................................

Isnin, Mei 2


okay.. already finish with my exam and now i got my holiday...
what i'm going to do for this semester break?
3 weeks for just doing nothing???
duh~ lumrah kehidupan btol.. 
bila tak cuti nk cuti bila dah dpt cuty... bosan pulak... hoho
neway, confirm i'll be the driver for my lil sis...nina to send her to school and tuition everyday...huhu
apa2 pun....nasib baik dah sediakan bekalan utk cuti kali ni...

4 buku impiana akan menjadi mangsa bersama-sama dgn
 satu novel yg telah dirasmikan dulu oleh cik mira...
and... i must start doing the audit note for next sem...hoho

utk kawan2 yg dh selamatkn diploma korg sem ni... tahniah...
cayalah korg... insyaallah result sem ni pun akan gempak macam sem lepas jua... hoho
so... the conclusion is??
cuti kali ni pun duk umah diam2 la nmpknyer cik ecah.. hoho
plan cari keje dengan arly dan ana harap menjadi.... insyaallah... 

i hope i still can spend my tyme going out with my sis or frenz... ohh..
before i'm going to know what my result is...
before my sis 'mira' going to further her study...(jauhnyer lak ai die nk blah)...
and of coz before me myself ends the diploma for 1 sem more... insyaallah...

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